With your help, we can cure Trump Derangement Syndrome

Start by talking to your family, your friends and loved ones. They might even know they are afflicted, but cannot get over the programmed hatred of our 45th president.

endTDS.org is dedicated to helping you discover tools to use when sharing family meals and dealing with the instant rage that some members develop when the name Trump is even mentioned. Please return often as we will add examples of how to talk the seemingly incurable down from the walls they build up.

It all starts with turning off CNN, The View, or other programming which pretends that criminal activity never existed before Trump was elected. This is the first step and a hard one.

Next, we need to get the sufferer to look at their 401K, the low unemployment numbers, See the reduction of our treasure in foriegn theaters, embrace restoration of cultural norms, and endorse a real effort to secure our borders by stopping the invasion of foreign invaders at our Southern borders.